
Assistance particulière - femmes enceintes - titre et contenu

Are you expecting a baby and wondering whether you are able to travel and under what conditions? Here you will find all the information you need.

Medical advice

Whatever the stage of your pregnancy, we recommend you seek your doctor's advice before flying.
After 32 weeks or if your pregnancy has complications, you need to present a medical certificate to travel.
It must be dated within the last week and certify that at your stage of pregnancy you are able to travel by air without risk to yourself or your baby.

You are pregnant and traveling with an infant or child?

If you are over 18 years, less than 8 months pregnant and if your pregnancy has no complications, you can travel with an infant or child.

Beyond eight months or if your pregnancy is at risk, another adult and valid companion must travel with the infant or child.

​​​​​​​Learn more about the infants and children travel conditions.

Advice to ensure you have a pleasant flight

  • Pregnant women have priority boarding. Make the most of it and choose the seat that suits you best on board! An aisle seat will be easier to get in and out of.
  • Be accompanied by someone who is able to take care of you if necessary during the flight.
  • Avoid fizzy drinks and large meals before flying.
  • Carry something to drink and take regular sips. The pressurised air in the cabin is dry and tends to dehydrate.
  • It can also be cold on the plane. Wear warm, comfortable clothes.
  • Have your important documents, such as prescriptions, and any medication with you.
  • Fasten your seatbelt below your tummy.