Restricted items

Articles interdits et réglementés - Articles réglementés - Accordéon

Some items may be carried in your hand or hold baggage, under certain conditions.
Select an item from the drop-down list below to find out the conditions of acceptance on board :


  • Aerosols for sporting or home use (deodorants, shaving creams, etc.) pose no risk to air travel. They are carried in the hold.
  • They are accepted on board in quantities not exceeding 0.5 litres/0.5 kg (1 lb) per article, up to a total of 2 litres/2 kg (4 lb) per passenger.
  • Aerosols must be protected by a cap or other suitable means.

Energy-saving light bulbs for home use may be carried in your hand or hold baggage, if they are packed in their retail packaging.

  • You may travel with your breathing apparatus (Air Tahiti-approved portable oxygen concentrator* or mechanical ventilator).
  • It will be carried free of charge, in addition to your hand and hold baggage allowances.
  • Whatever your type of device, at each step of your journey you must be able to produce a prescription specifying the required air-flow rate and a certificate from the same doctor authorising you to travel by air.
  • You must also travel accompanied if your physical or mental condition means you are unable to see, hear or understand the audio and visual warnings and notices of your device or to notice its warning lights.

Maximum volume of your compressed air bottle: 1 liter.


Notify us at the booking stage, and at least 72 working hours prior to your departure, if you will be travelling with an oxygen concentrator, and tell us its type.

Before commencing your journey

  • Air Tahiti aircraft are not equipped with sockets to enable you to plug in your breathing apparatus, you must ensure that it has 150% of the battery life required for all flights, including transits, i.e you had a spare battery charged.
  • Replacement lithium batteries transported in hand baggage are limited to four.
  • Be sure to pack them to prevent short circuits.

Check-in and boarding

  • Please present yourself at check-in well in advance, to allow plenty of time for the additional checks carried out by Air Tahiti staff and safety staff.
  • If you intend to use the apparatus during the flight, please notify our check-in attendants and the cabin crew when boarding.

On board

  • Please stow your device under the seat in front of you or stand it in an upright position between your legs.
  • You will not be allowed to use any other apparatus on board. You may nevertheless carry an additional one as hand or hold baggage, on condition that:
    • It is empty and depressurised.
    • The battery has been removed and packed separately, with its terminals insulated.
  • You can travel using your respiratory assistance device in the cabin upon presentation of:
    • a valid prescription (maximum 12 months),
    • a certificate written by the same doctor authorizing you to fly and specifying the necessary flow rate of respiratory assistance,

You are allowed to have several batteries (4 maximum)

The following apparatus (Product name / Manufacturer) are permitted on board Air Tahiti flights :

FreeStyle 5
DeVilBliss Healthcare

One G2
One G3
One G4
One G5
Inova Labs
LifeChoice Activox
International Biophysics
O2 concentrator
OxLife Independence
Medical EasyPulse
Eclipse (séries 1 à 5)
eQuinox O2 System (model 4000)
Oxywell 02 System (model 4000)
O2 Concerntrator


VBox Tropper



All breathing aooartus comprising an oxygen reservoir, such as an oxygen generator, is prohibited for transport.

Wh rating or lithium metal contentConfigurationCarry-on baggageChecked baggageAir Tahiti approval
Lithium - ionLithium métal
100 Wh max2g maxIn electronics devices (e.g Watch ...)YesYes1No
Spare battery(ies)Yes (max 10 spare batteries per passengerNoNo
100 Wh to 160Wh 2g to 8gIn electronics devices (e.g Watch ...)YesYes1Yes2
Spare battery(ies)Yes (max 10 spare batteries per passengerNoNo
more than 160 Whmore than 8gIn electronics devices (e.g Watch ...)NoNo-
Spare battery(ies)NoNo-


1 On ATR flights only
2Upon booking, please notify us of the presence of such devices.

  • Devices containing wet cells or batteries are strictly prohibited in the cabin and in the hold. They may however be registered as freight under certain conditions.
  • Spare lithium batteries must be protected to prevent short circuits and carried in your carry-on baggage or on you.
  • Powerbanks (autonomous lithium battery chargers or external batteries) are considered as spare batteries.

Types of firearms

Carry-on baggageChecked baggage
Longbows, crossbows, spearguns, slings, catapults and their ammunition, as well as toy, replica and imitation firearmsNoYes

Firearms, compressed-air guns or CO2-powered air guns (assembled or dismantled) for hunting or sport and their ammunition

Taser-type electric weapons containing dangerous elements (explosives, compressed gases, etc.)NoNo2
All other types of firearms or military weaponsNoNo


1Provided they are declared to the Department for Regulations and Control of Legality (DRCL) and they comply with the conditions set out in this item.
2They may however be registered as freight under certain conditions.


Notify us at the booking stage if you will be carrying any ammunition or hunting or sporting weapons in your baggage. Failure to do so could result in the refusal of carriage of your weapon or ammunition.

Before presenting yourself at check-in

  • Your weapon must be unloaded and packed in an airtight hard case.
  • Your weapon's safety mechanism must be activated.
  • Your ammunition must be securely packed in its original packaging or in a suitable hard case to prevent it from knocking together. Loose ammunition or ammunition in any packaging other than those mentioned will be refused to carriage.
  • Weapons and ammunition must be packed in two separate bags.

The permitted quantity of ammunition and packaging is 5 kg (11 lb) per passenger. More than one passenger's 5 kg (11 lb) allowance may not be packed in a single bag.


  • You will also be asked to sign a sworn declaration stating that you have satisfied the above-mentioned packing conditions.
  • The check-in attendant may ask you to open your bags and show them your weapon and ammunition
  • All toiletries, perfumes and non-radioactive medicines are allowed on board in quantities not exceeding 0.5 liters/0.5 kg (1 lb) per item, up to a total of 2 liters/2 kg (4 lb) per passenger.
  • We recommend that you keep them in your hand baggage, as long as they comply with the conditions for transporting liquids.
  • Aerosols must be protected by a cap or other suitable means
 Carry-on baggageChecked baggage
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)Yes1No2
Small box of safety matches.
Matches without a striker are prohibited.
Lighter containing liquefied gas (disposable lighter, not refillable).No2No
Zippo-type lightersNo2No
“Blue flame” lightersNoNo
Flameless lighters (car cigarette lighter type) with rechargeable lithium battery, as well as fuel for recharging.NoNo


1Forbidden to use them on board.
2Authorized for carriage on the person within the limit of one article per passenger.

  • Alcoholic beverages are allowed on board, provided they are in their retail packaging and in containers of less than 5 liters. They must not exceed 70% alcohol by volume (70 proof) and are restricted to 5 liters per person.
  • The following are prohibited on board: Handcrafted alcoholic beverages.
  • Learn more about the liquid transport conditions.

A compressed-air cylinder may be accepted as hold baggage, on condition it is empty.

Two small carbon-dioxide cylinders fitted to a self-inflating life jacket, together with two spare cylinders, may be accepted as hand or hold baggage, on condition Air Tahiti was notified at the booking stage.

Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) may be accepted in your hand or hold baggage only if:

  • It is used to refrigerate perishable goods.
  • The quantity must not exceed 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) per passenger. Above this weight, it must be transported as cargo, up to a certain limit.
  • The packaging allows the release of carbon dioxide.
  • Air Tahiti was notified at the booking stage and at check-in

One rescue device per person may be accepted in hand or hold baggage if:

  • It is fitted with a pyrotechnic trigger mechanism containing no more than 200 mg (0.4 lb) of Division 1.4S explosives and a cartridge containing no more than 250 mg (0.5 lb) of Division 2.2 compressed gas.
  • It is packed so as to prevent accidental activation.
  • The device's inflatable airbags are fitted with safety valves.
  • It was notified at the booking stage.

Isotherm packaging containing refrigerated liquid nitrogen fully absorbed in a porous material may be accepted as hand or hold baggage, provided that:

  • They are for the transport of non-dangerous products.
  • Their design does not allow the build-up of pressure within the container or the release of any refrigerated liquid nitrogen, irrespective of the orientation of the insulated packaging.
  • Maximum gross weight allowed: 5 kg (11 lb)
  • Air Tahiti was notified at the booking stage.

Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon gas may be carried in your hand or hold baggage:

  • Up to a maximum of one per passenger.
  • On condition the safety cap is firmly fixed on the heating element.
  • They are not permitted to be used on board.
  • Spare gas cartridges for hair curlers are not permitted on board.
  • Non-flammable, non-toxic gas cylinders for the operation of mechanical prosthesis may be carried in your hand or hold baggage.
  • Spare cylinders can also be accepted in sufficient quantity for the duration of the trip.

Remote-controlled toys or models may be carried in your hand or hold baggage, provided the battery of the remote control is removed and packed separately.

Blunt instruments (baseball bats, clubs, truncheons, etc.) must be packed in your hold baggage.

Object with a sharp edge (knife, scissors, axe, Stanley knife, razor, etc.) or sharp point (ice axe, etc.) must be packed in your hold baggage.

Heat-producing articles such as underwater torches or soldering irons are accepted as hand or hold baggage, on condition they were notified at the booking stage. Batteries must be removed.

​​​​​Work tools capable of causing injury or threatening flight safety must be carried in the hold. The following is a non-exhaustive list.

  • Digging bars
  • Drills, including cordless portable electric drills
  • Tools with a blade or shaft of more than 6 cm (2 in), capable of being used as a weapon, such as screwdrivers and chisels
  • Saws, including cordless portable electric saws
  • Blowtorches
  • Sealing guns and nail guns

The batteries of cordless power tools must be removed and packed separately.

If you have any queries about carrying any tools not listed above in your hand baggage, please contact the Cargo Service.

Pacemakers and other radioisotope devices implanted in the body, including those powered by lithium batteries, are permitted for air transport.

If your health condition requires it, you may travel with syringes in your hand baggage. To do so, you must :

  • State that you will be carrying syringes in your hand baggage when you make your booking.
  • Carry a medical certificate stating that your syringes need to be kept on your person or in your hand baggage, and also that the quantity carried corresponds to your treatment requirements for the flight.
  • Pack the syringes in a case, leaving them in their original packaging.
  • Show your syringes and medical certificate to our attendants and to safety staff at each stage of your journey (check-in, boarding and on board our aircraft).
  • Keep your syringes under supervision throughout the flight and notify the crew in case of loss or theft.
  • A small mercury thermometer for personal use may be carried in your hold baggage only, on condition it is packed in a protective case.
  • A mercury barometer or thermometer carried by a representative of a national meteorological office or similar official agency may be accepted in hand baggage only, provided it was notified at the booking stage and approved by Air Tahiti.